What is scaphoid bone fracture?
Scaphoid bone is one of the 8 minor bones that together coinstitute our “carpal bones” of wrist (carpal scaphoid fracture). moreover there are 2 rows of bones:
Scaphoid is nearer to the forearm (proximal row) and the other closer to the hand (distal row). The scaphoid bone is exclusive in that it links the two rows together. This puts scaphoid at still further risk for injury. That is why scaphoid is identified to be one of the most commonly fractured bone in the carpal part. Scaphoid can be severe or minor (hairline) depending on the collision.
70% of Carpal fractures are Scaphoid Waist Fracture, 20% are at the proximal pole and 10% at distal pole

Symptoms of Scaphoid Fracture
The symptoms of a scaphoid fracture are pain in the thumb area of the wrist, swelling induced complexity in enthralling objects.
Now since there is no visible irregularity, at times this injury is confused as sprained wrist, causing stoppage in appropriate treatment (because this sort of fracture may or may not be noticeable in an x-ray report). In many cases, the victim realizes that he/she has a scaphoid fracture until months or years later than an accident.